About raj

About Raj

I came to Canada in March of 1989 at the age of 26. I received my Landed status in July of 1992. Upon realizing my fascination with insurance and financing, I enrolled in a four-year designation program with the Insurance Institute of Canada. Not willing to be average, I completed my designation in three years, rather than four.

From there, I was later hired by insurance company The Co-operators as a Customer Service Representative. I moved to the claims department and filled the role of Auto Claims Adjuster. A couple of years later, I was promoted to a Bodily Injury Claims Specialist where I was cross trained in all areas of the insurance industry. 

My experience with The Co-operators opened my eyes to the circulation of large amounts of money, the legal system, and how little society knows about how money works. This would fuel a passion to share my knowledge about money, however I realized I needed a different platform to do so. I went on to devour books about money and financing, study the banking system, and attend any event that increased my knowledge of money. This all put me in the path of Primerica.

In 2002, my wife and I began an exit strategy so I could move over to Primerica. I left The Co-operators in 2003 and began my journey with Primerica. Here, I lead a team of 50 agents, and organize several annual events. I have dedicated the rest of my life to increasing financial literacy for those around me and helping others to become a better version of themselves.


Appointment With Raj

To Learn more about Debt Reduction and Elimination Book Appointment with Raj