“It’s not how much money you make, but how many generations you keep it for.”

- Raj Deoraj


Eliminate Debts | Create Wealth

Smart financial solutions at one place to control your debts and meet your financial situation.

Together, let’s regain control over your Financial Future.

Knowledge Sharing

The years of experience and knowledge base is now ready to be shared with you. I want to empower you with right tools that help you take control of any financial situation.

Specialized Counselling

When you have the right advisor, your path to financial freedom becomes smoother and easier to navigate.


High-Touch Services

My skills as a Financial Life Coach and representative of 8Twelve Mortgage Corporation mean I can get you the best mortgage services.

No Cost to You

Contact me and I will conduct a full, detailed Financial Needs Analysis that helps you arrive at the financial future that you desire.

No Surprises

I will provide you with a 60-90 day training course, based on your Financial Needs Analysis. No cost to you, and no surprises

Mortgage Experts

We provide the best deals on
your mortgage needs with personalized benefits from the top lenders in the


Raj Deoraj’s Articles

Valuable advice on money, mortgages and your personal credit history.

5 Reasons why you should think of a parallel income

The right approach for FNA

7 Easy ways to Eliminate Debt

Aftermath of COVID-19: Debt on rise 

It is a long established fact that a eader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum. 

Our Services

Financial Need Analysis (FNA)

FNA is a strategic analysis of your financial statements to get you the best alternate derivatives and opportunities for a greater future.

Debt Solutions

A debt-free life is achievable. Your debts can be paid off, your mortgages can be settled,  and your credits can equal zero. All you need is proper planning and the right tools.

Mortgage Services

Borrowing in lieu of a mortgage is simple. The dilemma starts when there is a lack of knowledge on the matter. We can teach you how.

Investment & Insurance

Unsure of how much life insurance you need? I’ve got you covered.

Business Opportunity

I am offering you the best part-time or full-time online opportunity from the comfort of your home, so that you and I can build your future together.

Unlock Wealth

I’ll work with you to unearth the wealth-making formulas by doing the right thing at the right time and in the right way.